The FREE item I am sharing are my Dr. Suess posters. There are 3 posters included that highlight my favorite quotes from Dr. Suess.
I also wanted to share a website that has tons of bulletin board ideas for Read Across America. Click on the pic to take you there.
Next I am linking up with Reagan from Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits for her Hall Pass linky. She is just so darn creative. If you haven't checked out her blog head over there RIGHT NOW!!!! Wait until you see her classroom. If I could I would move there now to put my son in her class. You can get to her blog and see the other bloggers who have linked up by clicking on the Hall Pass
Product: My favorite product is so hard to decide. I'm going to have to go with it being a tie between my Owl Theme set and my Circus Theme Set. They are so cute. I love the graphics and hope that other teachers can use them in their classrooms.

Area: Well this year I do not have a classroom since I am a Reading Coach, but I will highlight my favorite spot in my room. This is where I keep my professional resources for teacher check out. The books are kept in white bins that I found at the Dollar Store and added black and white ribbons to them. The cabinets above have inspirational quotes about reading and/or writing.
Signal: I don't really have a signal that I use right now, but I have a few classrooms where I use the Whole Brain teaching "Class? Yes!" signal. My favorite is "Classity Class? Yessity Yes!" My son's teacher says "Peanut Butter?" and the kiddos respond "Jelly!" I thought that was so cute. We actually have started using it at home.
Sanity: I am an EARLY riser. I like to be up, showered and dressed at least an hour before I leave for work. That way I have plenty of time in the morning to catch up on the news and spend some time with my little guy. I have to be at work at 7:30 so I leave around 6:50, so I am usually always up by 5:00 So, my sanity is a BIG OLD VANILLA ICED COFFEE from McDonald's. I can't go without it!