My favorite time of year is when we head on back to school, I love nothing more than sharing great books with the teachers and students I work with. So, I was thrilled to see this linky party going on and to get the chance to share some of the books that are near and dear to me!
I love, love, love this book. Use this book to teach students about working together to accomplish a task. This book is filled with wonderful vocabulary like integrity and empathy while teaching students the best way to be part of a team. Use this book over and over as teamwork issues arise in your classroom.
The OK book is written by Amy Rosenthal- same author as One Smart Cookie. We use this book to help us understand that being ok at something is actually a pretty great way to be. We then create a "Classroom Connoisseurs" display that shows something we are great at. We can then refer to that when one of our classmates needs help.
We just adore this book. Do Unto Otters helps students understand how to display manners and get along with our "neighbors" even when they appear to be quite different from us.
I found these books through non other than the Beth Newingham- I know she has inspired so many of us. We use these books to kick off Independent Reading in order to find the best place in our classroom for each student to create their reading nook and when reviewing how to find that just right book. BTW.....anyone know what happened to Beth's website? I was trying to check out her Theme posters and seem to hit a road block.

As a teacher I always loved this book, and now I love it even more as a mommy! Great for the little ones who have a hard time leaving mommy and daddy. I know I'm sure to kiss my little Frankie's hand every time we leave each other. A few years ago, when I taught 2nd grade, we read this book over and over again- the kids love it. Then I stumbled upon the cutest stuffed Chester (in the pic above). He became our traveling class pet. I purchased a little notebook and decorated it. I began the notebook with a journal entry and pictures of Chester spending time with my family. Then each student had a chance to take Chester home and record their week together in his journal. Because my kiddos were so sweet, I also added a bag of Hershey's kisses for them to share with their family. We loved this project. Two years later, those same students were back in my class as 4th graders, and Chester's journal was our most popular classroom library book.

And Finally, Crystal, From Ms. Jone's Junction is having a 100 Follower Give-Away. I'm so happy for Crystal. She is such a great teacher- wait until you see the pics of all of her Monday Made-Its and her classroom. I want to go back to being in 1st grade. To help her celebrate, I am contributing my Genre Spotlight Set to her give-away. Be sure to stop by, congratulate her and enter her raffle.
Hope you have a wonderful Monday. Today should have been a school day, but because of Isaac, we are home on a Hurricane Day- haven't seen any rain yet!